G1 Ponies (148)
1987 - Int. Playset Ponies V
UK & EuropeGrooming Parlour, US Set name: Brush Me Beautiful Boutique

G1 Retro (1)
G2 Ponies (24)
G3 Ponies (87)
Playsets Sweet Reflections Dress ShopSam's Club Exclusive2004, Combined With 3 Other Ponies

Playsets Twinkle Twirl Dance Studio BonusWalmart Exclusive2004, Combined With Twinkle Twirl and 1 Other Bonus Pony

Ponyville (1)
G4 Brushables (2)
Original Series: Midnight in Canterlot Pony Collection (2013)Combined with 6 other Ponies, Costco exclusive