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My Little Pony The Compendium of Equestria Tails of Equestria

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Coming in early 2021, The Compendium of Equestria is the new hardback book for Tails of Equestria – a must-have for GMs and players wanting to include the latest and greatest Tails of Equestria content as well as brand new creatures, characters, adventures, and items! GMs can use both the Locations and GM’s Toolkit sections to help fill their Tails of Equestria games with deep and interesting settings, and plenty of new features including talents and magical treasure. Players will find new playable races, expanding the options presented in the Core Rulebook, The Bestiary of Equestria and the Movie Sourcebook. Together, you will find some great new spells and talents to use in your adventures. Finally, you’ll find a fully self-contained adventure: Flim, Flam, Alakazam! This can be used as a standalone story, or as part of a longer campaign, and it's a great opportunity to make use of the new content presented in the rest of the Compendium!
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