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My Little Pony The Curious Case of the Malfunctioning P.R.A.N.C.E.R. Tails of Equestria

In 8 other checklists and 26 other wishlists.
Can you read a map, win a court case, tend a store, bake a cake, travel through time, and make new friends? Learn these skills and more in 6 exciting new adventures that will test not only your ponies but you, the player, as well. The Curious Case of the Malfunctioning P.R.A.N.C.E.R. and other tails is an anthology collection of 6 short adventures which challenge players with new problems that require new ways of thinking! From magic shows in Las Pegasus to the Grand Galloping Gala in Canterlot, to Sugarcube Corner in Ponyville, the ponies will make friends in many exotic locations. These adventures are perfect to pick up and play in an afternoon or as a way of filling in between longer adventures.
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