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My Little Pony Baby Cakes Video

In 5 other checklists and 20 other wishlists.
May 25, 2015
EU/UK Only
As the Party Pony of Equestria, Pinkie thinks it s going to be just fun, fun, fun baby-sitting the twin toddlers of Mr. and Mrs. Cake but she quickly realises that being responsible means a lot more than being a playmate. Meanwhile Twilight and the rest of the ponies are preparing for Hearth s Warming Eve and their play in Canterlot describing the founding of Equestria. However the friends find the old rivalries that plagued their ancestors come to the surface and the play is in danger of becoming a disaster. So once again the Pegasi, the Unicorns and the Earth Ponies will have to discover the power of the fire of friendship and learn to work together to save the play and keep an ancient evil at bay. Episodes include: Baby Cakes Hearth s Warming Eve The Last Roundup The Super Speedy Cider Squeezy 6000 Read it and Weep
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