This page only contains the Spike G4 Brushables. Click here for all Spike merch in our database.
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Original Series: Royal Castle Friends (2011)Combined with Princess Celestia and Twilight Sparkle
Crystal Princess Celebration: Princess Celebration Cars (2013)Combined with Rarity and Twilight Sparkle
My Little Pony the Movie: Friendship Lessons (2017)Combined with Twilight Sparkle, Walgreens exclusive
My Little Pony the Movie: Canterlot & Seaquestria Playset (2017)Pufferfish, Combined with Queen Novo
My Little Pony the Movie: Canterlot & Seaquestria Playset with Bonus (2017)Pufferfish, Combined with 4 other ponies, Walmart exclusive
School of Friendship: Ultimate Equestria Collection (2018)Combined with 8 other ponies and Spike
Rainbow Road Trip: Ultimate Equestria Collection (2019)Re-release, Combined with 8 other ponies and Spike
Friendship Festival: Festival Foes (2017)Combined with Tempest Shadow & Twilight Sparkle, Toys"R"Us exclusive
Birthday Ponies: Pinkie Pie Birthday Surprise (2018)Combined with Pinkie Pie, Toys"R"Us exclusive
School of Friendship Walmart: School of Friendship Collection Pack (2018)Combined with 7 other characters, Walmart exclusive