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Original Series: Pony School Pals (2011)Combined with 3 other Ponies

Original Series: Cutie Mark Crusaders & Friends Collection (2013)Combined with 6 other Ponies

Original Series: Twinkling Balloon Set (2013)Combined with Rarity, Kohl's exclusive

Original Series: Bagged Brushable (2014)Slightly lower quality, Target exclusive

Cutie Mark Magic: Playtime Fun Play Set (2015)Combined with Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash

Pony Friends Forever: Pony Scooter Friends (2012)Combined with Rarity, Toys"R"Us exclusive

Collector Series: Favorite Collection 1 (2012)Glitter Cutie Mark, Combined with 6 other Ponies, Toys"R"Us exclusive

Ponymania: Friendship Blossom Collection (2015)Combined with 5 other ponies, Toys"R"Us exclusive

Ponymania: Friendship Blossom Collection (2015)Combined with 5 other ponies, Toys"R"Us exclusive

Ponymania: Friendship Blossom Collection (2015)Combined with 5 other ponies, Toys"R"Us exclusive

Ponymania: Friendship Blossom Collection (2015)Combined with 5 other ponies, Toys"R"Us exclusive

Ponymania: Friendship Blossom Collection (2015)Combined with 5 other ponies, Toys"R"Us exclusive