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G1 Ponies (276)
G1 Retro (13)
G2 Ponies (18)
G3 Ponies (78)
Star Shimmer
Promo PoniesToys"R"Us Exclusive2004, Hasbro donated $1/pony to Starlight Starbright Children's Foundation

Promo PoniesToys"R"Us Exclusive2004, Hasbro donated $1/pony to Starlight Starbright Children's Foundation

G4 Blind Bags (13)
Diamond Tiara
Princess Twilight Sparkle & Friends Mini
Diamond TiaraWalmart Exclusive Set2015, Combined with 9 other figures
Princess Twilight Sparkle & Friends Mini
Diamond TiaraWalmart Exclusive Set2015, Combined with 9 other figures

Princess Cadance
Princess Twilight Sparkle & Friends Mini
Princess CadanceWalmart Exclusive Set2015, Combined with 9 other figures
Princess Twilight Sparkle & Friends Mini
Princess CadanceWalmart Exclusive Set2015, Combined with 9 other figures

Shining Armor
Princess Twilight Sparkle & Friends Mini
Unicorn ColtWalmart Exclusive Set2015, Combined with 9 other figures
Princess Twilight Sparkle & Friends Mini
Unicorn ColtWalmart Exclusive Set2015, Combined with 9 other figures

Silver Spoon
Princess Twilight Sparkle & Friends Mini
Silver SpoonWalmart Exclusive Set2015, Combined with 9 other figures
Princess Twilight Sparkle & Friends Mini
Silver SpoonWalmart Exclusive Set2015, Combined with 9 other figures

Twilight Sparkle
Princess Twilight Sparkle & Friends Mini
Princess TwilightWalmart Exclusive Set2015, Combined with 9 other figures
Princess Twilight Sparkle & Friends Mini
Princess TwilightWalmart Exclusive Set2015, Combined with 9 other figures

Gilda the Griffon
Sparkle Friends Collection
GriffonToys"R"Us Exclusive Set2016, Combined with 11 other figures
Sparkle Friends Collection
GriffonToys"R"Us Exclusive Set2016, Combined with 11 other figures

G4 Brushables (74)
Cheerilee (Regular - Raised Hoof)
Original Series: Pony School Pals (2011)Combined with 3 other Ponies
Original Series: Pony School Pals (2011)Combined with 3 other Ponies

Minty (Regular)
Original Series: Midnight in Canterlot Pony Collection (2013)Combined with 6 other Ponies, Costco exclusive

Original Series: Midnight in Canterlot Pony Collection (2013)Combined with 6 other Ponies, Costco exclusive

Nightmare Moon (Princess)
Original Series: Midnight in Canterlot Pony Collection (2016)Combined with 6 other Ponies, Toys"R"Us exclusive

Original Series: Midnight in Canterlot Pony Collection (2016)Combined with 6 other Ponies, Toys"R"Us exclusive

Princess Celestia (Princess)
Original Series: Midnight in Canterlot Pony Collection (2016)Combined with 6 other Ponies, Toys"R"Us exclusive

Original Series: Midnight in Canterlot Pony Collection (2016)Combined with 6 other Ponies, Toys"R"Us exclusive

Fluttershy (Regular)
Original Series: Bagged Brushable (2014)Slightly lower quality, Target exclusive
Original Series: Bagged Brushable (2014)Slightly lower quality, Target exclusive

Lily Blossom (Regular)
Original Series: Bagged Brushable (2014)Slightly lower quality, Target exclusive

Original Series: Bagged Brushable (2014)Slightly lower quality, Target exclusive

Lyra Heartstrings (Regular)
Original Series: Bagged Brushable (2014)Slightly lower quality, Target exclusive
Original Series: Bagged Brushable (2014)Slightly lower quality, Target exclusive

Pinkie Pie (Regular)
Original Series: Bagged Brushable (2014)Slightly lower quality, Target exclusive
Original Series: Bagged Brushable (2014)Slightly lower quality, Target exclusive

Rainbow Dash (Regular)
Original Series: Bagged Brushable (2014)Slightly lower quality, Target exclusive
Original Series: Bagged Brushable (2014)Slightly lower quality, Target exclusive

Mrs. Dazzle Cake (Regular)
Crystal Princess Celebration: Princess Celebration Bakery (2013)Combined with Trwirly Treats

Crystal Princess Celebration: Princess Celebration Bakery (2013)Combined with Trwirly Treats

Queen Novo
My Little Pony the Movie: Canterlot & Seaquestria Playset with Bonus (2017)Combined with 3 other ponies and Spike, Walmart exclusive
My Little Pony the Movie: Canterlot & Seaquestria Playset with Bonus (2017)Combined with 3 other ponies and Spike, Walmart exclusive

My Little Pony the Movie: Canterlot & Seaquestria Playset with Bonus (2017)Pufferfish, Combined with 4 other ponies, Walmart exclusive
My Little Pony the Movie: Canterlot & Seaquestria Playset with Bonus (2017)Pufferfish, Combined with 4 other ponies, Walmart exclusive

Haven Bay
My Little Pony the Movie: Canterlot & Seaquestria Playset with Bonus (2017)Combined with 3 other ponies and Spike, Walmart exclusive
My Little Pony the Movie: Canterlot & Seaquestria Playset with Bonus (2017)Combined with 3 other ponies and Spike, Walmart exclusive

Lemony Gem (Regular - Raised Hoof)
Collector Series: Favorite Collection 1 (2012)Glitter Cutie Mark, Combined with 6 other Ponies, Toys"R"Us exclusive

Collector Series: Favorite Collection 1 (2012)Glitter Cutie Mark, Combined with 6 other Ponies, Toys"R"Us exclusive

Lyrica Lilac (Regular - Raised Hoof)
Collector Series: Favorite Collection 2 (2013)Combined with 6 other Ponies, Toys"R"Us exclusive

Collector Series: Favorite Collection 2 (2013)Combined with 6 other Ponies, Toys"R"Us exclusive

Applejack (Reboot Standing)
Friendship Festival: Party Friends (2017)Combined with 11 other Ponies, Toys"R"Us exclusive

Friendship Festival: Party Friends (2017)Combined with 11 other Ponies, Toys"R"Us exclusive

Fluttershy (Reboot Standing)
Friendship Festival: Party Friends (2017)Combined with 11 other Ponies, Toys"R"Us exclusive

Friendship Festival: Party Friends (2017)Combined with 11 other Ponies, Toys"R"Us exclusive

Pinkie Pie (Reboot Standing)
Friendship Festival: Party Friends (2017)Combined with 11 other Ponies, Toys"R"Us exclusive

Friendship Festival: Party Friends (2017)Combined with 11 other Ponies, Toys"R"Us exclusive

Rainbow Dash (Reboot Standing)
Friendship Festival: Party Friends (2017)Combined with 11 other Ponies, Toys"R"Us exclusive

Friendship Festival: Party Friends (2017)Combined with 11 other Ponies, Toys"R"Us exclusive

Rarity (Reboot Standing)
Friendship Festival: Party Friends (2017)Combined with 11 other Ponies, Toys"R"Us exclusive

Friendship Festival: Party Friends (2017)Combined with 11 other Ponies, Toys"R"Us exclusive

Twilight Sparkle (Reboot Standing)
Friendship Festival: Party Friends (2017)Combined with 11 other Ponies, Toys"R"Us exclusive

Friendship Festival: Party Friends (2017)Combined with 11 other Ponies, Toys"R"Us exclusive

Big McIntosh (Reboot Colt Standing)
Friendship Festival: Party Friends (2017)Combined with 11 other Ponies, Toys"R"Us exclusive

Friendship Festival: Party Friends (2017)Combined with 11 other Ponies, Toys"R"Us exclusive

Coco Pommel (Reboot Standing)
Friendship Festival: Party Friends (2017)Combined with 11 other Ponies, Toys"R"Us exclusive

Friendship Festival: Party Friends (2017)Combined with 11 other Ponies, Toys"R"Us exclusive